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Mudra & Bandha – Interactive Session – August 2023

Tokyo, Japan July 22 2023 – Patanjali Japan Foundation (PJF) successfully conducted the “Mudra & Bandha – Live & Interactive Session” – an exploration of ancient practices that harness the body’s energy for enhanced vitality and spiritual growth.

Led by Yoko Sensei, a renowned authority in yoga and meditation, this webinar offered participants an opportunity to delve deep into the art and science of Mudras and Bandhas. Yoko Sensei brings a wealth of experience and expertise, having studied under masters in various traditions, and has dedicated more than 10 years to sharing the transformative benefits of these practices.

Mudras are intricate hand gestures that hold the key to directing energy flow within the body. They have been utilized for centuries as a powerful tool to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Bandhas, on the other hand, are energy locks that help channel and control the life force within, leading to improved vitality and mindfulness.

During the webinar, attendees gained insights into the origins and philosophy behind Mudras and Bandhas, learned how to perform them accurately, and understand their impact on overall health and spiritual development. The event featured live demonstrations, interactive Q&A sessions, and valuable resources to help participants integrate these practices into their daily lives.

Exploring the Significance of Mudras and Bandhas in Yoga Practice

Yoga, a practice that originated in ancient India, encompasses a wide array of techniques aimed at achieving holistic well-being, including physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Among the many tools within the yogic toolkit, mudras and bandhas hold a special place. These intricate practices involve specific hand gestures and energetic locks that have been passed down through generations for their profound benefits. In this article, we will delve into the importance of mudras and bandhas, their significance, and how to practice them.

Understanding Mudras

Mudras, often referred to as “seals” or “gestures,” are symbolic hand positions that have the power to influence the flow of energy within the body. The human body is believed to be a complex network of energy channels, and mudras are designed to regulate and channelize the prana (life force energy) within these channels. Each mudra corresponds to a specific intention and effect, ranging from promoting relaxation and concentration to enhancing spiritual awareness.

Importance of Mudras

Energetic Alignment: Mudras are designed to create a circuit of energy flow within the body, helping to balance and align the subtle energy centers, or chakras. This alignment promotes overall health and vitality.

Enhanced Concentration: Certain mudras, such as Jnana Mudra (Gesture of Knowledge), where the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the index finger while the other fingers are extended, are known to enhance concentration and intellectual clarity.

Stress Relief: Mudras like Chin Mudra (Gesture of Consciousness), with the thumb and index finger forming a circle, are believed to alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.

Aid to Meditation: Practicing mudras during meditation can deepen the meditative experience by helping to direct and focus prana within the body, leading to heightened states of awareness.

Commonly Practiced Mudras

Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom): Join the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger while keeping the other fingers extended. This mudra enhances concentration, memory, and calmness.

Varuna Mudra (Gesture of Water): Touch the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb while keeping the other fingers extended. This mudra helps to balance the water element in the body and alleviates dehydration.

Apana Mudra (Gesture of Digestion): Touch the tips of the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together while keeping the other fingers extended. This mudra supports digestion and elimination.

Importance of Bandhas:

Enhanced Pranic Flow: Bandhas, by sealing off certain areas of the body, help to accumulate and direct prana to specific regions, promoting vitality and healing.

Stimulation of Glands: Specific bandhas, like Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock), stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands, contributing to hormonal balance.

Strengthening the Core: The application of bandhas, especially Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock), engages and strengthens the core muscles, leading to better posture and stability.

Commonly Practiced Bandhas:

Mula Bandha (Root Lock): Engage the muscles of the perineum (the area between the anus and genitals) by contracting them upward. This lock stimulates the pelvic region and promotes stability.

Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock): After a full exhalation, draw the abdomen in and up under the ribcage. This lock massages the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

Maha Bandha (Great Lock): This is a combination of all three bandhas: Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha. It is performed sequentially and leads to an intense flow of prana along the sushumna.

Practicing Mudras and Bandhas:

Set an Intention: Before practicing mudras and bandhas, set an intention for your practice. Whether it’s stress relief, increased concentration, or a deeper spiritual connection, clarifying your intention enhances the effectiveness of these practices.

Find a Comfortable Posture: Sit in a comfortable seated position with an erect spine. This could be on a cushion, yoga block, or chair.

Begin with Breath Awareness: Start your practice with a few minutes of mindful breathing. This helps to calm the mind and establish a connection with your breath.

Mudra Practice: Choose a mudra that resonates with your intention. Hold the chosen mudra with a relaxed yet focused hand. Breathe naturally as you hold the mudra, feeling the flow of energy.

Bandha Practice: After practicing mudras, move on to the bandhas. Begin with the Mula Bandha, engaging the perineum muscles. Next, practice Uddiyana Bandha after a full exhalation. For Jalandhara Bandha, lower your chin to your chest while keeping your spine straight.

Combine with Asana or Pranayama: To deepen the effects, incorporate mudras and bandhas into your yoga practice. For example, while in a seated pose, practice mudras during pranayama or while holding an asana.

Release and Relax: After practicing mudras and bandhas, release the gestures and locks, allowing the energy to flow freely. Take a few moments to sit quietly and observe any sensations.


Mudras and bandhas are intricate practices that have stood the test of time within the realm of yoga. With their ability to influence energy flow, enhance concentration, and promote overall well-being, they offer a gateway to deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth. Incorporating mudras and bandhas into your yoga practice can unveil new dimensions of connection, vitality, and inner harmony. As you explore these practices, remember that patience, consistency, and respect for your body’s signals are key. With time and practice, you can unlock the potential of these ancient techniques and experience their transformative power firsthand.

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